We strive to provide vital aid to Christians, Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, and new believers who face persecution due to their faith. Our mission is to combat discrimination on a global scale and bring an end to the unjust treatment they endure.

People Around The World Are Being Victims Of Hate Crimes

We strive for a world where hatred and violence based on faith are relics of the past, but sadly, they persist as a heartbreaking reality. Discrimination, kidnapping, extreme violence, and even loss of life are the harsh consequences. At All Neighbors, we vehemently condemn any form of persecution against Muslims, Hindus, Christians, and all others.

We want everyone to have freedom.


We answer the call to spread love and compassion, sharing aid and resources with our brothers and sisters in the name of Jesus Christ.

All Neighbors Aid Programs

All Neighbors Has a Trusted Group of Partners that Can Deliver Aid
To Those That Need It.

Support for Persecuted Christians

Empowering Persecuted Christians: Providing Relocation, Job Opportunities, and Essential Resources

Education Support

Empowering Marginalized Christian Families: Enabling Access to Education and Opportunities

Orphan Children Support

Extending Heavenly Love: Embracing Orphans through our Ministry

Afghan Refugees Support

Extending Support: Aiding Afghan Refugees in their Quest for Safety

Women Development Programs

Empowering Women: Enriching Lives Through Skill Development Classes

Food Relief Program

Nourishing Communities: Partnering with Food Chain Organizations to Alleviate Hunger

Join us! Be Seed Sower. Help Us in our Efforts to Provide Relieved
To Needy-Endangered People Around The World.


Our values drive us, and our partners guide us.

To forge the world we envision, we must transcend the confines of the present, embracing a greater possibility and unwavering belief in a better way. It requires our unwavering commitment to bring that vision into existence.


At the core of our beliefs lies the conviction that every individual deserves safety and the opportunity to realize their fullest potential. Aligned with our mission, we boldly confront and combat the systemic violence and oppression inflicted upon the innocent.


Recognizing the interconnectedness of people, communities, and societies, we understand the inherent need for mutual reliance and continuous learning from one another. We firmly uphold the principle that the safety and well-being of every individual is a fundamental right that demands our unwavering defense.


When it comes to our choices and actions, we maintain an unwavering dedication to fairness, objectivity, and transparency. We hold our commitments in high regard and uphold integrity by consistently doing what is right, even in the absence of external scrutiny.


Bountiful Harvest: The Fruits of our Labor